
Setting Up AWS S3, GitHub, ACM, and CloudFront for Static Website Hosting

Access the GitHub repo here

1. Create S3 Bucket for Static Website Hosting 🗑ī¸ 🌎

  • Create an S3 bucket named “”

  • Set the bucket as a static website page:

  • Open the S3 bucket and go to “Properties.”

  • In the last option, enable static website hosting.

2. Configure Bucket Policy for Public Access

  • In the S3 bucket, navigate to “Permissions.”

  • Edit the bucket policy and add the following policy, replacing the S3 bucket ARN:

Bucket policy { “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”: [ { “Sid”: “PublicReadGetObject”, “Effect”: “Allow”, “Principal”: “”, “Action”: “s3:GetObject”, “Resource”: “” } ] }

3. Configure GitHub Repository

Open link Change the “config.toml” file:

  • Update the S3 URL and static website URL at line #8 and line #23.

4. Add Secrets to GitHub Repository 📂

  • In GitHub repository settings, go to “Secrets and variables” > “Actions.”

  • Add the following security secrets:

  • AWS access key

  • Secret access key

5. Run the GitHub Actions Pipeline 🏃đŸģ‍♂ī¸

  • Trigger the GitHub Actions pipeline to send necessary materials to AWS S3.

6. Create AWS ACM SSL Certificate 🔒🏅

  • Open AWS ACM page and click on “Request a Public Certificate.”

  • Provide the domain name (e.g., “”) and select DNS validation.

7. Add values in Cloudflare

  • Add the “CNAME name” and “CNAME value” to your domain registrar (e.g., Cloudflare) for DNS validation.

8. Create CloudFront Distribution

  • Go to CloudFront and click on “Create Distribution.”

  • Choose the S3 bucket as the origin domain.

  • Click on “Create Distribution” and wait for verification.

9. Configure CloudFront Origin Domain

  • Go to CloudFront > Origins > Edit.

  • Change the origin domain value by copying the S3 static website hosting URL (without http/).

  • Save the changes.

10. Redirect Domain to CloudFront ↩ī¸

  • Copy the URL of the CloudFront distribution.

  • Create a CNAME record on Cloudflare or your domain registrar with the CloudFront URL as the value.

  • After populating the value, your website will display the CloudFront content.

  • Now, your static website is hosted on AWS S3, served through CloudFront, and secured with an ACM SSL certificate. The entire deployment process is automated through GitHub Actions.