Github-action pipeline deploy code on EC2
Github-action pipeline deploy code on EC2 🏂 🖥️
- This blog will guide you through setting up a GitHub Actions pipeline to automatically deploy your code to an EC2 instance upon changes in your repository.
Before you begin: 📝
Ensure you have an EC2 instance with a public IP address.
Note the security group name associated with your EC2 instance.
Obtain AWS access keys with necessary permissions and their corresponding secret access keys.
Have your SSH private key ready for connecting to the EC2 instance.
Create Secrets ⚒️ 🔩
- Go to your GitHub repository
1- Create new secrets for:
EC2_Private_key (store the private key content)
EC2_HOST (public IP address of your EC2 instance)
EC2_USER (username for SSH access)
2- Clone Sample Repository: 🪞
Clone the sample GitHub repository that you need to follow:
`git clone`
3- Configure Workflow (.github/workflows/ec2.yml): 👨🏭 🧑💻
Open ec2.yml and update:
Your AWS region (line 21) -
Your EC2 instance’s security group name (line 22)
Edit source and target paths (lines 37 and 40):
Directory in your repository to deploy -
Location on your EC2 instance to deploy to
- Commit the changes.
4- Push Changes: ➡️ ⛷️ 👊 🏃 🫷
- Push your changes to the repository.
5- Deployment: 🏇
The GitHub Actions pipeline will automatically run and deploy your code to the specified EC2 instance based on the configured workflow.
Benefits: 🍇🍏🫐🥥
Streamlined deployment process.
Automatic updates upon code changes.
Reduced manual intervention.
Improved collaboration and development cycle.
Additional Notes: 📔
This is a basic example. Customize the workflow based on your needs.
Ensure proper security measures and access control for your EC2 instance.
Explore advanced features like environment variables and custom scripts in the workflow.
By following these steps and leveraging the power of GitHub Actions, you can achieve automated and efficient deployments of your code to your EC2 instance, ensuring your application stays up-to-date and readily accessible.