
Github-action pipeline deploy code on EC2

Github-action pipeline deploy code on EC2 🏂 🖥️

  • This blog will guide you through setting up a GitHub Actions pipeline to automatically deploy your code to an EC2 instance upon changes in your repository.

Before you begin: 📝

  • Ensure you have an EC2 instance with a public IP address.

  • Note the security group name associated with your EC2 instance.

  • Obtain AWS access keys with necessary permissions and their corresponding secret access keys.

  • Have your SSH private key ready for connecting to the EC2 instance.


Create Secrets ⚒️ 🔩

  • Go to your GitHub repository settings > Secrets > Actions.

1- Create new secrets for:



  • EC2_Private_key (store the private key content)

  • EC2_HOST (public IP address of your EC2 instance)

  • EC2_USER (username for SSH access)

2- Clone Sample Repository: 🪞

  • Clone the sample GitHub repository that you need to follow:

    `git clone`

3- Configure Workflow (.github/workflows/ec2.yml): 👨‍🏭 🧑‍💻

  • Open ec2.yml and update:

  • region: Your AWS region (line 21)

  • sg-name: Your EC2 instance’s security group name (line 22)

  • Edit source and target paths (lines 37 and 40):

  • source: Directory in your repository to deploy

  • target: Location on your EC2 instance to deploy to

  • Commit the changes.

4- Push Changes: ➡️ ⛷️ 👊 🏃 🫷

  • Push your changes to the repository.

5- Deployment: 🏇

The GitHub Actions pipeline will automatically run and deploy your code to the specified EC2 instance based on the configured workflow.

Benefits: 🍇🍏🫐🥥

  • Streamlined deployment process.

  • Automatic updates upon code changes.

  • Reduced manual intervention.

  • Improved collaboration and development cycle.

Additional Notes: 📔

  • This is a basic example. Customize the workflow based on your needs.

  • Ensure proper security measures and access control for your EC2 instance.

  • Explore advanced features like environment variables and custom scripts in the workflow.

  • By following these steps and leveraging the power of GitHub Actions, you can achieve automated and efficient deployments of your code to your EC2 instance, ensuring your application stays up-to-date and readily accessible.