Creating an Elastic Beanstalk Environment: 🏡
A Step-by-Step Guide 🪜
Setting up your application on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is a seamless process that allows for easy deployment and scaling.
Follow these steps to create your environment:
Step 1: Open Elastic Beanstalk and Create Environment 📭
- select environment tier
- give the application name
- give the environment name
- give the domain name
- choose platform
- select platform type
- select platform branch
- select platform version
- select application code
- choose configuration presents and click on next.
- In configuration service access select service role.
- select existing service role.
- select EC2 Key pair.
- select EC2 Instance profile.
- and click on next.
- select vpc
- click on public ip address if we need.
- select instance subnets
choose database insatnce subnets if we need .then click on next.
- choose root volume device
- select instance metadata service
- select security groups for ec2 instance.
- in capacity section select envoirnment type for this exercise select loadbalanced.
- choose instance quantity min and max.
- choose fleet composition
- select instance type
- select load balancer network settings
- select public if we need publicly accessible or choose internal.
- select network for load balancer.
- select load balancer type which we need.
- choose dedicated or shared laoadbalancer in this exercise we need shared laoad balancer.
- select loadbalancer in shared application loadbalancer section.
- in process if we need to add process other than default click on add process and add it there.
- if we want to add rules in loadbalancer then click on add rule button .
- if not then leave at is it and click on next.
- in monitoring click on basic.
in next review all the settings. and click on submit.