
Automation Document for EC2 Volume Encryption Migration


Automation EC2 Volume Encryption Migration πŸ’»β«˜β«˜πŸ’ΎπŸ”“ ➝➝ πŸ’»β«˜β«˜πŸ’ΎπŸ”


➀ Automate the process of migrating an EC2 instance with unencrypted volumes to an EC2 instance with encrypted volumes using a shell script. The script will:

1- Create an AMI of the original instance.

2- Launch a new EC2 instance from the AMI with encrypted volumes.

3- Terminate the original instance. (optional)

4- Clean up AMI and associated snapshots.


1- AWS CLI: Ensure AWS CLI is installed and configured with appropriate permissions.

2- jq: Install jq for JSON processing. (You can install it using sudo apt-get install jq on Ubuntu or brew install jq on macOS.)

Shell Script πŸ’»πŸ’ΎπŸ”“ ➝ πŸ’»πŸ’ΎπŸ”

Create a shell script with the following content:

Script for creating new instance with encrypted volume

if we need instance is not created only replace volume then used below script πŸ’ΎπŸ”“ ➝ πŸ’ΎπŸ”

Script for creating new encrypted volume and detach not-encrypted volume

Script Explanation

1- Variables: Set your instance ID, region, new instance type, and other details. Ensure you replace placeholder values with actual values.

2- Create AMI: Creates an AMI from the existing instance.

3- Retrieve Instance Details: Fetches the instance’s subnet ID and security groups. Checks if the instance has a public IP.

4- Launch New Instance: Launches a new instance from the AMI with encrypted volumes. The instance is launched without a public IP if the original instance did not have one.

5- Terminate Old Instance: Optionally terminates the old instance after verifying that the new instance is running.

6- Clean Up: Deregisters the AMI and deletes associated snapshots to avoid unnecessary charges.

How to Use the Script

1- Save the Script: Save the script to a file named

2- Make the Script Executable: Run chmod +x to make the script executable.

3- Execute the Script: Run the script with ./